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Robin Coleman

Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

View in Room

Robin Coleman

Signed Original

Used stamps, Tax discs, Newspaper and acrylic on boxed canvas


Size: 101 x 101 cm

Estimated value: £4,000

On offer from Reload Gallery.


UK: Free
EU: £150
ROW: £250

Customers are responsible for any import duties or tariffs that may apply in their home country.

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Robin Coleman

Born in the UK and without formal art training or schooling, Robin Coleman’s popularity and success are purely down to his hard work and original style. Each painting Robin produces takes hours and hours of hard work and dedication. He is an artist that refuses assistants or interns, hence the demand for the few works that are produced is extremely high.

He started painting to relieve the stress from a debilitating spinal injury, which he still battles with today. His early experimental pieces involved images of Marilyn Monroe, The Krays and Jimi Hendrix. Moving forward his expression was found in the use of mixed media such as newsprint, comic books and magazine cuttings.

Robin has exhibited in many galleries both in the UK and abroad. These include galleries in California, Dubai, Cape Town and Paris to name a few.